Plugin configuration


XDM provides a framework to store basic configuration and display there form fields on the settings page.

There are three types of plugins config “scopes”:

type/scope access defined in meta defined in
normal self.c _config config_meta
hidden self.hc _hidden_config hidden_config_meta
element self.e _config config_meta


To create settings simply fill the _config attribute of your plugin class:

from xdm.plugins import *

class Printer(Notifier):
    _config = {'add_message': 'my print plugin'}
    # add_message: same key as in _config
    config_meta = {'add_message': {'human': 'Additional text', # a more human friendly name
                                    'desc': 'This text will be added after every printed message'}}
                                    # the description will be a tooltip on the input field

    def sendMessage(msg, element=None)
        userAddition = self.c.add_message
        print msg + userAddition
        return True

By default settings are ordered alphabetically by name if you want to have a specific order use an OrderedDict

from collections import OrderedDict
_config = OrderedDict([
           ('defaut_mt_select', ''),
           ('login_user', ''),
           ('login_password', ''),
           ('port', 8085)

Setting value types and resulting form fields

Values can be one of the the following type

type Settings page field
str Text input field
bool Checkbox
int / float Number input field


Only these type are allowed as config values!

Additionally if the following strings are found in the the config name additional modification are made to the input field

string modification
path Adds a folder browser
filepath Adds a file browser
password Makes the input field an obfuscated password input field

Interaction between settings page and plugin

You can also interact from the settings page with your plugin.

  • You can add generic buttons.
  • You listen on events of the form fields.
  • You can get the data from the config fields.
  • You can send data back
  • You can invoke custom javascript functions with your send data. See getConfigHtml
  • You can trigger global actions

These are defined in the config_meta dict:


To define single action buttons use the plugin_buttons key this holds another dict with button definitions

Button example:

config_meta = {'plugin_buttons': {'testConnection': {'action': _testConnection,
                                                     'name': 'Test Connection',
                                                     'desc': 'Test the connection with credentials'}

This will create a button on the settings page with the text “Test Connection” on it and a greyed out text “Test the connection with credentials” behind it. When clicked it will call the function _testConnection


Since the “action” is a real python reference the config_meta should be at the end your your plugin class.


To add “actions” to changes that are made with the input field (text is changed and focus is lost) you set the “on_live_change” tot the function you want to call

Event example:

config_meta = {'plugin_desc': 'Sabnzb downloader. Send Nzbs and check for status',
               'plugin_buttons': {'test_connection': {'action': _testConnection, 'name': 'Test connection'}},
               'host': {'on_live_change': _testConnection},
               'port': {'on_live_change': _testConnection},
               'apikey': {'on_live_change': _testConnection}

Now the function _testConnection called when either the field host, port or apikey is changed, or when the test_connection button is clicked

The functions

The functions that are called should always return a tuple of the following schema:

t = (bool, dict, str)
return t
# t[0] is the overal result status
# t[1] is data you want to send / it is converted into json
# t[2] is a human readable message

and to get data from the config page add a list named args with names of the config fields you want to the function (yes add it as an attribute to the function(object))

_config = {'host': '',
           'apikey': '',
           'port': None,
           'enabled': True,
           'comment_on_download': False,
           'retention': 900,
           'verify_ssl_certificate': True

def _gatherCategories(self, host, port, verify_ssl_certificate):
    return (True, {}, 'I found 3 categories')
_gatherCategories.args = ['host', 'port', 'verify_ssl_certificate'] # <- this is what i mean

Use the data in javascript

To make use of data in javascript / your function you modify the data-dict (t[1]) has to in the folowing structure:

dataWrapper = {'callFunction': 'javascript_function_name',
               'functionData': data}


since all plugins can have multiple instances the functions should be namespaced with the current instance name. See following example

Full example:

class Newznab(Indexer):
    identifier = "de.lad1337.newznab"
    _config = {'host': '',
               'apikey': '',
               'port': None,
               'enabled': True,
               'comment_on_download': False,
               'retention': 900,
               'verify_ssl_certificate': True

    def _gatherCategories(self, host, port, verify_ssl_certificate):
        # some magic that does stuff
        data = dict()
        dataWrapper = {'callFunction': 'newsznab_' + self.instance + '_spreadCategories', # use the "namespaced" name
                       'functionData': data}

        return (True, dataWrapper, 'I found %s categories' % len(data))
    _gatherCategories.args = ['host', 'port', 'verify_ssl_certificate']

    def getConfigHtml(self):
        return """<script>
                function newsznab_""" + self.instance + """_spreadCategories(data){ """ # this gives the function a "namespace"
                  $.each(data, function(k,i){
                      $('#""" + helper.idSafe( + """ input[name$="'+k+'"]').val(i)

    config_meta = {'plugin_desc': 'Generic Newznab indexer. Categories are there numerical id of Newznab, use "Get categories"',
                   'plugin_buttons': {'gather_gategories': {'action': _gatherCategories, 'name': 'Get categories'},
                                      'test_connection': {'action': _testConnection, 'name': 'Test connection'}},